Department of Transportation


1.For more than 60 years, DOT's have had the opportunity to construct roads, bridges, overpasses, viaducts to serve the public with trillions of tax dollars.

2.This was possible by the government, contractors, laborers, inspectors and others who were given the trust of the American taxpayer to do right with their tax dollars.

3.This trust has been abused, conspired against, taken advantage of destroyed with a reckless disregard for the safety of all highway users for the selfish greed and unjust enrichment of politicians, contractors, inspectors and others to give the American People junk roads and bridges.

4.Highways pitch and tow and jump up and down as if they never had a professional grader lay the groundwork for preparation for paving.

5.These roads immediately show signs of wash-boarding because of the incompetence in construction.

6.But most egregious are the millions of bridges which have little or no transition to the road.

7.The bumps meeting the traffic is enough to send millions of vehicles to the shop with minor to disabling damage and cause gradual damage to the bridge structure due to the pounding of vehicles against these bumps.

8..A majority of the surfaces of bridges, viaducts, overpasses and patch jobs on the roadways have seams which are tantamount to driving over a half exposed railroad tract at highway speeds causing extreme damage to vehicles and even death to passengers of vehicles due to the impact.

9.These reckless disregards for the public safety is inexcusable and the perpetrators should be tried in a court of law, sentenced to life in prison and repay the American Taxpayer the trillions of dollars in taxpayer money for their reckless, destructive, dastard criminal conduct and theft of taxpayer dollars.

10.There are damages areas, pot holes and repairs which will rip the front axle right off a truck in the highway system.

11.These criminals will not even post signs warning of these hazards because that would be an admission of their reckless irresponsible work.

And about snow plowing, they have no clue how to plow, regulate, keep traffic moving safely, analyze or monitor mountain pass weather hazards.

The biggest problem IS turning the passes into skating rinks or a 20 mile parking lot are:

NOT TRUCKS, you already rip trucks off with ridiculous fines. BADLY CONSTRUCTED ROADS TEAR UP VEHICLES, TRUCKS DO NOT TEAR UP ROADS.

Automobiles without adequate snow tires or chains. Why ?

Why not fine the auto who drives in the middle or left lane at 4 MPH because they have no traction and do not know how to drive BLOCKING VEHICLES FOR 15 miles from the tunnel to Georgetown like on the 24th of Dec in the late afternoon.

There were no trucks blocking traffic and there was not one accident, just this one car blocking traffic up and down the pass at 4 MPH.

Where was the enforcement of this vehicle for obstructing traffic for 12 miles on the East side of the tunnel and 8 miles on the West, This individual should have been arrested and put in jail for 6 months and denied driving again.

Why would any agency allow all of these vehicles to accumulate in a snow storm on this pass thus creating the ice rink and parking lot to prevent any and all snowplow or traffic enforcement activity?

Has any one in DOT ever heard of traffic management or say Wyoming DOT?

Wyoming does not allow vehicles to beat the snow into an ice rink and create a parking lot of thousands of cars for 10-100 miles. They close the highway until the snowplows can make the highways safe and passable. Does that make sense?

Also, I only saw three snowplows altogether on that pass at the tunnel working their way up from the West side staggered three wide during the entire 3 hours traffic blockage.

Do snowplows take a vacation during a snowstorm in Colorado when they feel like it?

Colorado needs a common sense competent leader in the DOT department.